Monday, August 5, 2019

GIS5100 Module 5 - Coastal Flooding

Predicting and Assessing the Impact of Hurricanes with GIS

Coastal Flooding was the topic of this week.  The emphasis was on the damaging effects of Hurricanes via various methods, which included the analysis of inspecting pre and post images and Digital Elevation Models (DEM).  I studied how Hurricane Sandy changed the coast of New Jersey by creating a change layer due to the effects of erosion.  I also looked at how a 1-meter storm surge assumption (SSA) could impact Collier County, Naples FL.  Via both of these assignments, this week saw the continued to use, manipulate, and analyze rasters via various geoprocessing tools.  I also compared the coarse traditional USGS DEM vs. finer detailed DEMs generated from LiDAR.  Below are two map images created from various types of analysis from the Hurricane Sandy and DEM comparison in southwest Florida.

In summary, we became familiar with procedures for coastal flooding assessment.  We looked at how different DEMs can be used to delineate coastal flood zones.  We performed overlay analysis in both vector and raster domains.  We also considered the errors of omission and commission when a coarse quality DEM dataset from USGS was compared to a more accurate and precise DEM created from LiDAR.

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