Monday, July 22, 2019

GIS5100: Module 4 - Crime Analysis

Hotspot Analysis

This week's lab involved the use of ArcGIS Pro to examine the occurrence of 2018 Washington DC burglaries contained in census tracts and 2017 Chicago homicides in half-mile grids to uncover crime patterns via three different types of hotspot analysis methods: grid overlay, kernel density, and Local Moran's I.  These methods inspect a dataset and scale of analysis for the presence of clustering, which ultimately becomes the focal points to visualizing hotspots and coldspots of crime activity.

Crime activity (CA) is a measure of crime events per some unit of area.  When examining burglaries per census tract, the crime rate was calculated by dividing the total burglary count per total household units multiplied by 1000, ([Join_Count] / [Total Household Units] * 1000).  In the case of homicide points overlaid by half-mile grids, CA was calculated by dividing the total homicides per half-mile square (2640 * 2640 = 6,969,600 feet).  In the above calculations, notice the regional difference between census boundaries and the grid (the scale is important).  In both scenarios, when no crimes were observed within a census tract or grid, those empty record sets were excluded to avoid unreliable results when determining crimes per area, density.

Below is a side-by-side comparison brief analysis steps and results.

Grid-based thematic mapping

Kernel density thematic mapping

Local Moran's I thematic mapping

In Closing

In this module, I learned that Hotspot Analysis (HA) is a spatial analysis and mapping technique used in identifying clusters of spatial phenomena.  Regardless of the method, HA used vectors to identify the locations of statistically significant hot spots and cold spots in the data analyzed.  Crime points were aggregated to polygons for the analysis.  I discovered that density may indicate where clusters exist in a dataset, but NOT if those clusters are statistically significant

The benefit of using any of the HA methods is that they are pretty easy to use and the results are statistically significant that reveal patterns that may or may not have been able to detect with non-statistical methods like the grid-based thematic mapping technique.


Ned Levine (2010). CrimeStat: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (v 3.3). Ned Levine & Associates, Houston, TX, and the National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC. July. Chapter-6

Eck, John E, et al. “Mapping Crime: Understandin Hot Spots.” Mapping Crime: Understandin Hot Spots, National Institute of Justice, Aug. 2005,

Thursday, July 18, 2019

GIS5100 - Module 3, Visibility Analysis

Through the eyes of an observer, the perspective geographical areas seen by the observer can be impacted by various obstacles that block the view path to a target. I never realized until this week how involved the study of visibility could be.  What I discovered this week is that visibility could be modeled, analyzed, and applied to a wide variety of useful applications.  This week's lecture introduced the fundamentals of visibility by comparing two basic Visibility principles: Viewshed and Line-of-Sight (LOS), and both 2D and 3D perspectives of viewing visibility.  After completing several lecture videos and several readings, Visibility analysis started to really sink in after working through an Esri Visibility Learning Plan that consisted of 4 web courses which showcased several 3D Features and how to share web layers:
  1. 3D Visualization Using ArcGIS Pro - Certificate
  2. Performing Line of Sight Analysis - Certificate
  3. Performing Viewshed Analysis in ArcGIS Pro - Certificate
  4. Sharing 3D Content Using Scene Layer Packages - Certificate
The Learning Plan reinforced the lecture material and exposed me to several real-world workflows and various geoprocessing tools mainly belonging to the 3D Analyst toolbox and some tools that overlapped into the Spatial Analyst toolbox and various tools within the data management toolbox.  Below is a mashup of learning objectives, tips, and geoprocessing tools used in the web courses.

     3D Visualization Using ArcGIS Pro
        - Side-by-side 2D and 3D maps that can be linked (very cool)
            • Very useful when determining when to use 2D or 3D views
        - Global vs. local scene views
            • Global scenes use a fixed coordinate system, WGS84
            • Global scenes know about Sun's position (Illumination Analysis)
        - Surfaces other than Ground can be visualized by thematic surfaces
            • Examples: temperature, rainfall, snowpack, water-vapor, etc

     Performing Line of Sight Analysis 
        - Construct Sight Lines tool
        - Line Of Sight tool
        - Add Z Information tool
        - Delete Features (Data Management Tools) tool

     Performing Viewshed Analysis in ArcGIS Pro
        - The Viewshed tool is a powerful and flexible geoprocessing tool
            It can be extended to model important real-world scenarios as I describe below
        - Math: Logical Raster Function
          No getting away from raster, which is an output of the Viewshed tool

     Sharing 3D Content Using Scene Layer Packages 
        - Global mode: used for a large extent where the earth curvature is an important
                                 uses Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) or GCS WGS84
        - Local mode: used for a smaller extent where the earth curvature is not important
                               uses a projected coordinate system
        - Same data can be viewed in side-by-side 2D & 3D maps
        - The Multipatch geometry type is used to cover the outer surface of 3D features
        -  Add Surface Information tool
        - Layer 3D to Feature Class tool
        - Feature to 3D By Attribute tool
        - Create 3D Object Scene Layer Package tool (Data Management toolbox)

In Summary: 

Performing Viewshed Analysis in ArcGIS Pro
I liked how the exercise in this course modeled a range of light for new campground lights and how the placement and height of new lighting could be modeled using the Viewshed tool.  In this exercise, the observer height was conceptually the new lights to be installed.  And by increasing the height of the light, the light's ground coverage could be improved. When the observer height was increased from 3 meters to 10 meters, the ground coverage improved dramatically. I think it's a practical way to model real-world scenarios that analyze light placement to determine an effective light installation height.  I can see this type of analysis being submitted as review requirements for various types of planning project reviews such as site development plans (SDPs).

Performing Line of Sight Analysis
For whatever reason, I had line-of-sight bullet analysis in-mind when learning this subject.  Like bullet flight, there are some finer details associated with understanding the visibility between an observer and target points.  The earth's curvature reduces visibility over long distances.  Atmospheric conditions such as atmospheric pressure, density, humidity, elevation, and temperature may cause light to bend up or down which can affect the generation of a sight-line.  And as you might guess, yes there is a curvature tool!

3D Visualization Using ArcGIS Pro
In this course, the visibility problem studied was trying to decide where to stay in the downtown area that had ocean views from a hotel, a nearby shaded park for jogging, and retail stores.  This was another practical use of GIS that was very interesting to perform.  The exercise showed how to convert a 2D map to 3D and symbolize the new scene with photorealistic texture.  I really liked the part of the lab that extruded building polygons by estimating a floor height of 10 ft.  This would be great to visualizing a site development plan or even making a map for a commissioner to better show what was going on in his/her district.  It was also insightful to change the date and time variables to allow the global scene to show calculate and render ground shadow based on the sun's positioning.  I really liked walking through the three different example labs that show how ArcPro could be used to make some interesting cartographic and photorealistic scenes for a wide range of possible applications.

Sharing 3D Content Using Scene Layer Packages
I think by now it is safe to say that viewing data in three dimensions can provide new insights than viewing the same data in two-dimensions.  And by allowing 2D and 3D views to be side-by-side, ArcGIS Pro provides an interesting way to investigate and visualize data in an intuitive and interactive 3D environment from any angle or perspective.  This course continued to reinforce the use of ArcGIS Pro with topics such as the authoring of 3D scenes, displaying 2D data as 3D Layers, Converting 2D data into 3D data, Global and local scene considerations, symbolizing 3D features with multipatch geometry elements and Sharing a 3D scene via ArcGIS Online.
Sharing your efforts of creating a greater sense of realism via the web offers a great way to communicate your 3D scenes.  And this course walked me through the steps of a workflow to publish and share a scene layer package created with ArcGIS Pro.

In Closing

In today's digital world, there are a wide variety of people expecting to find planning and project information online, presented in an easy to understand way. This learning plan illustrated to me how ArcGIS Pro could help the planning and urban community to create and share 2D and 3D maps of real estate development projects and zoning-based development potential for any parcel within their planning project study area. I can see how ArcGIS Pro could help reveal a capacity for new & additional growth, locations likely to support this growth, and potential impacts of urban policy choices.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

GIS 5100 Module 2 - LiDAR: Wetland Delineation

Exploring Elevation: DEM, DSM, and normalized DSM (DSM minus DEM)

This week we learned about watersheds and elevation through applications of airborne light detection and ranging, LiDAR, which is a system where light pulses travel from an airborne platform to the ground.  When these light pulses hit natural and man-made built features, they bounce off the target and return to a sensor (also on the airborne platform) in such way to provide a range of distance measurements to the Earth surface below.  Hence how this LiDAR system got its name.

Digital Surface Model (DSM) - What is a DSM?

Basically, LiDAR delivers a massive point cloud filled with varying elevation values related to features such as the top of builds, tree canopy, and powerlines.  A DSM captures the natural and human-built features on the Earth's surface.

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - What is a DEM?

A DEM is a bare-earth grid referenced to a vertical datum (geoid), which provides a place to put the zero-measurement with mean sea level.  A smooth DEM is created by filtering out the non-ground pulse returns.  Basically, the human-built and natural features are NOT included in a DEM.

Normalized Digital Surface Model (nDSM) - What is an nDSM?

An nDSM is a derivative product of a DSM and DEM.  It measures the absolute height of features by subtracting the ground: DSM-DEM = nDSM.  In this week's lab, we used the Minus Raster function to create an nDSM layer that we called Height.  Then later in the lab, we used the Height layer to generate the profile of height values to depict a conceptual feel of vegetation across the extent of the raster.  Below is an image of that histogram chart.
The DSM Map below depicts a DEM that I created using the LAS Dataset to Raster geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS Pro 2.4.

The Mashup map below is a concoction of efforts from this week's lab.  It shows elevation side-by-side with canopy density to infer what elevations are associated with tree density and possible soil conditions.

More details of this week's lab can be viewed on a new Esri story map I've been experimenting with this week. It is a work-in-progress story of this week's lab.  It is subject to good and bad decisions as I learn this new way to communicate location.

In Closing

I learned a lot of interesting information about LiDAR and how it is used in various industries like Forestry and Local Government.

Friday, July 5, 2019

GIS-5100 Module 1: Least Cost Path & Corridor Analysis


Week two of module 1 consisted of two main scenarios, which continued to reinforce the concept of Suitability and Least-Cost Analysis and topics such as Least Cost Path, plus Corridor Analysis.  In scenario 3, I assumed a role as a GIS Analyst working for an oil company planning to construct a pipeline outside of Medford, Oregon.  I'm tasked with performing three analyses that build off each other.  I'm told that each analysis should consider slope, river crossing, and river proximity.  I'm provided all the datasets so that I can perform the following analysis: slope, add cost for crossing rivers, add cost for proximity to rivers, which results in raster outputs of least-cost analysis.  Then I'm to input these least-cost outputs into a workflow involving Corridor Analysis, which takes into account the accumulation of all the possible paths between a source and destination point feature.  Below is the final corridor I managed to create.

Scenario 4

Next came scenario 4, which is the topic of this blog.  The goal is to repeat scenario 3.  But the scenario is a little different.  Now I'm a Park Ranger in the Coronado National Forest asked to model the potential movement of black bears between two protected areas that results in a corridor like performed in scenario 3.  Again, I first create a simple plan to document the basics statements such as Problem, Goal, Objectives, and planned deliverables.  Then I started preparing the data to create a suitability raster and cost surface raster.  Below is what my model looks like.

But now the source and destination are polygons instead of points and the criteria are slightly different. Below is an image depicting the cost surface raster with the source (Coronado1) and destination (Coronado2) areas.

What followed next was the creation of the least cost raster using the Cost Distance and Cost Path tools and the input of the previously created cost surface raster, source feature (Coronado1) and destination feature (Coronado2).  The extended workflow now looks like the image shown below.

The results of the first Least-Cost Raster shown above between source and destination originally shocked me when I saw all the possible paths created by the model (see image below).

Then I added another Least-Cost Analysis to the above model to consider paths traveling in the opposite direction, destination area (Coronado2) to the source area (Coronado1).

Lastly, running the Corridor Tool was now possible by inputting the two previous Least-Cost Rasters.  Below is the final layout map created with the output of the Corridor tool.


I've tried to capture the essence of Scenario 4 Lab, which is Suitability Analysis in action.  Suitability Analysis ranks and scores locations/sites based on a few or several weighted criteria.  The number of criteria depends on the intended goal.  The suitability of a candidate location can be ranked based on data variables, site attributes, or proximity to point features.  Working out the details of important criteria with Stakeholders and subject matter experts is vital to configuring and assigning weights to determine scores for each of the potential site locations.

A few high-level assumptions worth mentioning about Suitability Analysis are:

  • The Spatial Analyst extension is required to experiment with processes, procedures, and algorithms of Esri's Suitability Analysis workflow.
  • Some level of comfort is helpful with Model Builder and experimenting with geoprocessing tools (about 190 now and growing).
  • Map Algebra can be tricky and requires some experimentation.
  • Working with rasters and doing math with them might be a new concept, it might require additional effort experimenting with them and the Raster Calculator.


Although I did not mention the creation of a plan prior to getting started, I created a template so I could quickly document the basic gist of what I'm trying to do.  I can't count the number of times I had to refer to it to reestablish my bearing by reminding myself of the goal.  I often found myself in the weeds working through the lab and venturing down rabbit holes in the quest for understanding.  Having a simple plan-do-act document is my escape hatch out of these fact-finding internet expeditions.

ArcGIS-Pro 2.4 and the Spatial Analyst Extension to model potential corridor movement for black bears between two areas of the Coronado National Forest (Santa Cruz) in Tuscon, Arizona

I'm glad to have gotten my feet wet with Suitability Analysis.  I'm planning new adventures using this technology and hope to apply it with scenarios of my own in the near future.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

GIS-5100 Module 1: Understanding Suitability Analysis & Getting to know the Weighted Overlay Tool

Week one consisted of two main scenarios, which introduced me to the concept of Suitability and Least-Cost Analysis and topics such as Boolean Suitability in both Vector and Raster, rating locations in Raster, Least Cost Path, and Corridor Analysis, and many more topics related to GIS-focused approaches to Suitability Analysis.  This blog is specific to scenario 2, which put me in a position as a GIS Analyst for a property developer.  The supporting lab was quite involved with approximately 15 defined deliverables (30 deliverable for the entire Module).  I really liked learning about the various types of GIS-based processes and means of creating a workflow to model a real-world system to meet the needs of a stakeholder, Land Developer Firm. ( hmmm, sounds like project management terminology).

What followed next before cracking open ArcGIS-Pro was the creation of basic project management artifacts.  We did not formally define a scope statement, requirements document, Charter, or project management plan (PMP), but it sure felt like it when we stated a problem, goal, objectives, processes, and deliverables such as services and map products.  It's so vital to have a well-defined plan.  See a portion of the example project plan I created below.

Problem: Where are suitable locations for future Site Developments within the boundary of Land Tract?
Goal: Create a suitability model to identify the best locations for future planned urban development.
Objectives: Various items here defining the input requirements to model the desired outcomes
Workflow: See image below as an example of the partial workflow of preparing the geographic data by geoprocessing tools to support further types of analysis responsible to reach and meet the desired outcomes of stakeholders.

The map below is the result of modeling a system using an Esri Weighted Overlay approach of suitability analysis, which involved the use of ArcGIS Pro 2.4.0.  I definitely had a full plate this week with getting through the Lecture material, four different lab scenarios, thirty Lab deliverables, and learning how to use the Weight Overlay Tool, but it was well worth the effort and learning pains!
What's really nice about the Weighted Overlay Tools is that by adding or subtracting layers in conjunction with setting an influence/importance level to each layer, the model can generate a totally different outcome for Stakeholders to consider and make better strategic business decisions.

This week Learned Outcomes:
▪ Perform suitability analysis using both vector and raster analysis tools
▪ Prepare data for use in suitability workflows
▪ Compare different approaches to suitability analysis, including Boolean and Weighted scoring
▪ Compare vector and raster tools to complete specific steps in the suitability analysis
▪ Adjust specific parameters employed in suitability analysis, such as scoring and weighting
▪ Perform least-cost path and corridor analysis using cost surfaces
▪ Prepare elevation, land cover, and other data for use in the least-cost path and corridor analysis
▪ Create cost surfaces based on a variety of input data
▪ Interpret the results of the least-cost path and corridor analysis
▪ Adjust specific parameters employed in the least-cost path and corridor analysis

In Conclusion
This week involved tasks and activities in constructing an informal Project Management Plan, which defined end deliverables via a problem, purpose, and objectives as described by stakeholders and subject matter experts.  I spent quite some time using ArcGIS Pro, Model Builder, and overlaying several rasters and applying a common measurement scale and weights each according to its defined importance for best future Site development endeavors.